of $ 55,000 to get rid of ransomware that had infected its systems and was hindering operations last week . The infection took root last week , on Thursday , January 11 , when attackers breached the network of Hancock Health , a regional hospital in the city of Greenfield , Indiana . Attackers deployed the SamSam ransomware , which encrypted files and renamed them with the phrase `` I ’ m sorry '' , according to a local newspaper who broke the news last week . Hospital operations were affected right away . IT staff intervened and took down the entire network , asking employees to shut down all computers to avoid the ransomware from spreading to other PCs . By Friday , the next day , the hospital was littered with posters asking employees to shut down any computer until the incident was resolved . While some news sites reported that the hospital shut down operations , medical and management staff continued their work , but with pen and paper instead of computers . Patients continued to receive care at the hospital 's premise . Hospital had backups but decides to pay ransom demandAttack.Ransom. The hospital said that despite having backups it opted to pay the ransom demandAttack.Ransomof 4 Bitcoin , which was worth around $ 55,000 at the time the hospital paidAttack.Ransomthe sum , on Saturday morning . Hospital management told local press that restoring from backups was not a solution as it would have taken days and maybe even weeks to have all systems up and running . Hence , they decided paying the ransomAttack.Ransomwas quicker . By Monday , all systems were up and running , and the hospital released a short statement on its site admitting to the incident , but with very few other details . While the hospital has not confirmed the typical SamSam attack scenario , they did say the infection was not the case of an employee opening a malware-infected email . The FBI has long asked companies and individuals affected by ransomware to report any infections via the IC3 portal so the Bureau can get a better grasp of the threat and have the legal reasons to go after such groups .